Thursday, January 28, 2021

Antiwar: The Hidden Opinion of Many [#4]

 Antiwar Voices in America

    The media as of recently has only been talking of Trump or the COVID pandemic world wide, which are important stories to cover, but what about the rest of them. The mainstream media has a long history of keeping out the voices that call against war and the stop to military operations that the U.S. has globally.

    Two websites such as and Realism & Restraint Archives | The American Conservative have many authors who are passionately against the wars the U.S. still rage today. Many Americans forget that we are in a constant state of war in the Middle East, simply because the war does not look like the wars we were taught to prepare for. We aren't in World War 2, where the entire country was up in production against the Axis powers. There are no large factories in our backyards making guns, but there is a large amount of our tax money going to military spending. The U.S. spent 730 billion dollars on military alone in 2019, which is more than the next top 10 military spenders globally combined ( The Militarized Budget 2020 ( ). So why don't we hear about it?

    We have to seek out small obscure websites to hear strong antiwar voices, something the majority of the U.S. population wouldn't do or have time for. I believe it is because the big companies that benefit from the war (ex. oil companies) use their influence and power, which in our capitalist society, comes from money, to suppress these voices and highlight other global issues to insure that their profit isn't jeopardized by the American people. 

    Some of the front page news on the two websites I mentioned above are highlighting that either party will always find a war to get involved with and a way to justify it, in order to keep the old order of things ( The Blob is Addicted to Overseas Interventions | The American Conservative ). On, there are headings for each of the countries that the U.S. has some military intervention in or lack of, one way or another. Those countries include Syria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Tunisia, Iran, Israel, Palestine, and continents as a whole such as Asia, Africa, and Europe. If you think about the amount of the countries, that is over half of the global we are involved with war, war that most of the U.S. population doesn't know is going on.

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